Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Nokia - Morph Concept

Morph is a concept demonstrating some of the possibilities nanotechnologies might enable in future communication devices. Morph can sense its environment, is energy harvesting and self cleaning .
Morph is a flexible two-piece device that can adapt its shape to different use modes. Nanotechnology enables to have adaptive materials yet rigid forms on demand.
It is also featured in the MoMA online exhibition "Design and the Elastic Mind". It has been a collaboration project of Nokia Research Center and Cambridge Nanoscience Center.

Find out more:

HONK If You're Fucking Ben Affleck

If you've watched I'm Fucking Matt Damon, here's the sequel!

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Apes That Write, Start Fires And Play Pac-Man

Susan Savage-Rumbaugh asks whether uniquely human traits, and other animals' behaviors, are hardwired by species. Then she rolls a video that makes you think: maybe not. The bonobo apes she works with understand spoken English. One follows her instructions to take a cigarette lighter from her pocket and use it to start a fire. Bonobos are shown making tools, drawing symbols to communicate, and playing Pac-Man -- all tasks learned just by watching. Maybe it's not always biology that causes a species to act as it does, she suggests. Maybe it's cultural exposure to how things are done.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Japanese Women Wrestling

Kenneth On How He Would Treat A Lady

Leona's Personal Ad

Leona is sexy, young and from Aberdeen. She also suffers from tourettes. Watch her record a video personal ad for www.meechu.co.uk here.

Bloody Omaha

How 3 graphic designers created D-Day on a shoe string budget for the TIMEWATCH program "Bloody Omaha"...

Due to the youtube interest in our little 'making of' vid , we have just heard they are going to repeat the full Programme on BBC2 on Sunday 27th Jan at 23:20! (see video reponse below for trailer)
you can catch it for the following week on the new BBC iplayer. copy and paste this link... www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer (i think its UK only at the mo... ) U.S. 'tubers keep an eye out for TIMEWATCH: BLOODY OMAHA on the Smithsonian Channel coming soon (www.smithsonianchannel.com)

Monday, 11 February 2008

Russian Scientists Claim Time Travel Could Be Possible

Two Russian scientists claim a device created to investigate the origins of the universe could become the world's first ever time machine. Scientists say the vast atom-smashing machine at the European Particle Physics Centre near Geneva could create a time tunnel.

Office Fun

IBM Proposes One Computer To Run Entire Internet

IBM launched an Epic project with an almost unfathomable goal -- to develop a single supercomputer capable of running the entire internet as a web application. The project, codenamed Kittyhawk (detailed in a white paper by IBM) created quite the stir in internet technology community. While the software details descend quickly into the realm of the cerebral, one number that jumps off the page is the estimate for the number of cores and memory for the finished proposed system -- 67.1 million cores with 32PB of memory.

The system is based on IBM's Blue Gene/P architecture, which takes millions of cores and arranges them in a hierarchal architecture. At the lowest level four 850 MHz Power PC cores run on a single chip, with built in memory controllers and interconnects. The next level up is the card, which contains 32 of these quad core chips known as "nodes." Up a level, 16 cards compose a midplane. A server rack has two midplanes, yielding a total of 1024 nodes, or 4096 processors. Each server rack has 2TB of memory to play with. A maximum of 16,384 racks can be networked to yield the finally staggering metrics. As each rack has an I/O bandwidth of 640Gb/s, a "full" 67.1m core system would sport 10.4Pb/s of bandwidth.


Monday, 4 February 2008

A Town Called Dildo

Bad Day At The Office

Do You Know Who I Am?

Beat Bearing

A tangible rhythm sequencer. Ball bearings are used to trigger drum sounds. Visual feedback is displayed from underneath to indicate the current time and the state of each ball bearing.


Frozen For 5 minutes @ Grand Central

From http://www.ImprovEverywhere.com, over 200 people freeze in place on cue in Grand Central Station in New York.

This is one of over 70 different missions Improv Everywhere has executed over the past six years in New York City. Others include the No Pants Subway Ride, the Best Buy uniform prank, and the famous U2 Rooftop Hoax, to name a few. Visit the website to see tons of photos and video of all of our work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made.


If you are interested in getting involved in New York you can sign the NY Agents List on the site. If you are interested in getting involved in your own town, join the global agents forum here: http://improveverywhere.ning.com

Be the first to find out about the next video we create by subscribing to our YouTube channel (yellow button above) and our RSS feed here:


Screen Cleaning Service

Pirate Bay Admins Charged with Assisting Copyright Infringement

The Swedish prosecutor Håkan Roswall has announced the charges against four individuals involved with The Pirate Bay. The four, aged 23 to 37, are being charged with “assisting copyright infringement” of 4 software applications, 9 films and 22 music tracks.

“The operation of The Pirate Bay is financed through advertising revenues. In that way it commercially exploits copyright-protected work and performances,” said prosecutor Hakan Roswall in a statement. The prosecution claims the site generates annual ad revenue of more than $3 million, a figure that was taken completely out of context, according to Pirate Bay admin Brokep.

Roswall consequently asks the court for a $188,000 fine for the four individuals - Fredrik Neij (”TiAMO”), Gottfrid Svartholm (”Anakata”), Peter Sunde (”Brokep”) and businessman Carl Lundström - and the confiscation of their computers. Among the works that were mentioned in the charges are “Let It Be” from the Beatles and Harry Potter’s “The Goblet of Fire”. In addition the four face up to 2 years in prison, but this is very unlikely based on the evidence gathered by the authorities.

The plaintiffs, including Warner Bros., Colombia Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Sony BMG, Universal and EMI have until the end of February to file claims for damages.

In a response to the charges, Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde (”Brokep”) told TorrentFreak: “We’re of course interested in seeing the outcome of the case, and we welcome that they want to try to criminalize something we already know is legal.”

The legal investigation started almost two years ago, after the controversial raid on the Pirate Bay in May 2006. At the time the Swedish police confiscated 180 servers, most of which had nothing to do with TPB. Last December the investigation finally came to an end, resulting in 4,000 pages of legal paperwork.

The users of the site don’t have to worry that the site will be taken offline though, no matter what the court decides. “In case we lose the pending trial (yeah right) there will still not be any changes to the site. The Pirate Bay will keep operating just as always. We’ve been here for years and we will be here many more,” Sunde said.

As we wrote earlier today, The Pirate Bay is not hosted in Sweden anymore. In fact, the Pirate Bay crew claims that they themselves have no idea where the servers are located. After the raid on their servers in 2006, they decided that it was better not to know where they are. One thing is sure though, they are not hosted in just a single country.


Spokesman for pro-file sharing group Piratbyrån, Magnus Eriksson, said: “The Pirate Bay is not going to be down for a single minute. The Pirate Bay is now established in a number of countries, so there’s no one place in which to push the off button”

Ludvig Werner, chairman of the Swedish arm of the IFPI said: “The Pirate Bay operation has caused massive financial damage to rights holders. The profiteers behind The Pirate Bay have no interest in free speech, and they are not running The Pirate Bay because they love music and films. They are totally mercenary and are driven by the desire for personal wealth.”

According to Heise, Magnus Eriksson is not so sure any of the Pirate Bay crew will be convicted: “It’s not very likely” he said. “In the course of the investigation there have been attempts to bring up various things that The Pirate Bay has supposedly been guilty of. Before it was financial crime, and now this accessory thing seems to be the last straw for the prosecutor”

John Kennedy, chairman and chief executive of the IFPI said: “The operators of The Pirate Bay have always been interested in making money, not music.The Pirate Bay has managed to make Sweden, normally the most law abiding of EU countries, look like a piracy haven with intellectual property laws on a par with Russia.”

Hot Dentist Cleavage Prank

World’s First Automatic Shotgun

Meet the AA12, the world’s first (and scariest) automatic shotgun, built by Jerry Baber of MPS.

From Discovery Channel’s FutureWeapons:
It’s a gun that could end up rewriting the rules of urban warfare. I’d like to introduce you to the shotgun for the 21st century, the AA 12. The Auto Assault 12 is a fully automatic, gas operated, low recoil, 12 gauge shotgun designed specifically for the military. One blast from the shotgun is terrifying enough, but the AA12 delivers an incredible rate of nearly 300 rounds a minute.

Wicked Torch Flashlight Is Bright, Starts Fires

The Wicked Torch is a 4,100-lumen flashlight made by Wicked Lasers. It's pretty bright. There's a video after the jump of a guy setting some paper on fire with it. It can also fry an egg or melt plastic. The unit sucks so much power that the battery only last 15 minutes. Oh, and it costs $300. Which is pretty expensive for a flashlight. Expensive enough to make my wallet catch fire and burn my asscheek just thinking about it.

Mold Your Mouse Into Any Shape You Want

Is your mouse not ergonomic enough? If you answered yes then here's the mouse for you. The Lite-On Technology Moldable Mouse is made from lightweight moldable clay covered by a nylon and polyurethane fabric. You mold it into the shape you want, slap on the buttons and scroll pad (which communicate with the device via radio) and you're good to go. The design was even good enough to win a Red Dot Design Award.

I'm Fucking Matt Damon, She's Fucking Matt Damon
